Tiny Tales

A Midnight Call

One night, grandpa received a call on his mobile.

It was unusual. He did not know the caller. He was debating on whether or not he should pick up. “It could be someone I know or someone I did not know. Nevertheless, if they are calling at this hour, it must be important” he thought. He answers the call and waits. “Come to the cellar at once” the voice said and hung up.

It was close to midnight and minutes ago, he was almost drifting into a deep sleep. But now, he was wide awake, looking at his phone. He became suspicious and decided to deal with it, whatever it was. Being the experienced cop that he had once been, he woke up papa as backup and both of them headed towards the cellar. They switched on the lights and saw with eyes, wide open.

“Surprise!!! Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!”

They all said together. The whole family was there and had planned a surprise for his platinum jubilee birthday. Grandpa was overwhelmed.

One mysterious phone call turned out to be a sweet memory.




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