

Mimi- One of the most awaited films for the recent times. With high expectations from the director, the music director and the cast, the movie released this summer and here goes my take on it. This is the second film as a director for Laxman Utekar, although he had worked as a cinematographer on many […]


Little Women

This week started off with the disturbing poll results from Thomson Reuters Foundation – a report stating the world’s most dangerous countries for women to live in. To everyone’s surprise, India topped the list. This has led to an outrage from Indian women across the world and everyone’s been posting opposing views about the poll. […]


Frances Ha

You know, how you see these, ‘my whole life was a lie’ memes and relate to them instantly? This week, if you read this and watch the movie, you will be doing that a lot more times, than you usually do. Frances Ha is one such movie, which will force you to go through reality checks […]