Movies Tiny Tales

September Selection

Hola people, this month has been crazy so far and I hope it ends on a high note. From shopping to apartment hunting, from packing to planning the move from Philly to Morrisville, it’s been hectic. Oh yes, we are moving to the barbecue land next week and the decision has been a roller coaster ride in itself. But meanwhile, with all the schedules happening in parallel, I did manage to find some good books to reads, great movies to watch and cool places to hang out.

With all the haul to the new home, I had a blog post idea. This. I thought, why not make a favorites list from this month. I call it – September Selection.

Movie – Experimenter

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Stanley Milgram Experiment

Experimenter is a 2015 biography of Stanley Milgram and his controversial experiments on human psychology. With my never ending love for psychological dramas or thrillers, this movie was a big yes. Stanley Milgram, in the early 60s conducted a series of radical behavioral experiments to test the obedience of humans under authority. I had no idea that such a thing existed and was a huge controversy during those times. Watching the movie opened up so many debates and discussions about human psychology and evolution in general. The way the movie is narrated, the screen play, the actors blending perfectly into the roles, makes the movie a must watch. Don’t miss out on this, if you haven’t already watched it.

Book – You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

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Jen Sincero and her awesome book

This has been my go to book since forever now and I can’t praise it enough. As the name suggests, it is a self help book. If you are someone who wants to discover your true talents, if you want to quit being a loser, if you are looking for some kick-ass life guidance, this book is to dig in. Jen Sincero is my girl. She is a huge inspiration for my writing and this book remains a constant in my life. She scolds you, she teaches you, she outwits you, she pats you on the back, she guides you and yeah, she ridicules you as well with tons of sarcasm. But end of the day, you are healed as a person and will go to bed with a tinge of extra confidence about yourself. Just because it is a self helo book, doesn’t mean you have to wait for a bad episode to happen with you, it’s a must read for everyone alike.

Restaurant – La Calaca Feliz

Traditional guacamole served in stone mortar

Last weekend was fun. Me and my husband went on an expedition to uncover what we might miss in Philly before we leave the beautiful city. And guess what? Along with so many wonders that I will write about soon, we managed to find a gem of a restaurant amidst all the busy streets downtown. The place is called La Calaca Feliz and located at 2321, Faimount Ave, within walking distance from the Museum of Art.

Mushroom Tacos

We ordered a traditional guacamole with mushroom tacos. I fell for the guacamole which came in a huge stone vessel/mortar, which elevated the experience of the simple recipe. The quantities were decent and the taste was more than decent. Although the restaurant is a $$ on Google reviews, it’s totally worth it. This is a date kind of place with cute interiors as well as cool outdoor seating options, with super friendly staff. Good food, best music and great ambiance, what is to not like. When visiting the Rocky steps, make a pit stop here. 

La Calaca Feliz Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Music – Breaking Bad Album

Image result for Breaking Bad
The cooks

So what happened was, I wanted to experience whole Walter White’s awesomeness, Jesse Pinkman’s sexiness, Saul Goodman’s sarcasm and Mike’s badassery all over again. And I ended up binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. Not only did I love the show, again, but this time, I loved the music as well. All the songs, from pilot to climax are just crazy. My chart for a long drive is set now. And the chart busters are Shimmy Shimmy Ya and Wendy. You can find the entire album on Spotify or Tunecloud or individual songs on YouTube. Go have fun.

That brings us to the end of September Selection. I hope you have a good checklist for the upcoming week. While you are at it, tell me your favorite songs from Breaking Bad in the comments sections. Also subscribe to make this official. Have Fun!

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