
A Perfect Fruit Salad Bowl

Aren’t fruits just the best of all edible things? Ever since I was a kid, I have always been a huge fan of fresh fruit. I guess I get it from my Homo Sapien ancestors. Early man, who lived the life of a forager had only one sweet delicacy, which too was available rarely – the ripe fruit. And he ate them eagerly every time. So it’s only natural for us to be attracted to sweets and desserts, more importantly fruits. 

A bowl of fruit salad is always a guilt free experience. Nutritious, wholesome, healthy and fat free, fruits are hunger saviors and remain to be our go to option. Which is why people prefer eating fruits, even while they are fasting.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Two bananas for breakfast can give you the energy to sustain for 12 hrs. A glass of orange juice in the evenings can relieve you from all the stress and bad cholesterol you might have accumulated during the day. Strawberries for desserts give your face all the glow it needs by working their magic all through the night. You get the trend, right? Basically fruits keep you energetic, while keeping your body in shape and good health. 

Making a bowl of fruit salad is only the easiest yet tastiest option that I discovered most recently. Here is the recipe, with all the yum included. 

A Bowl Of Fruit Salad

Course Salad
Prep Time 10 minutes


  • 1/2 Pineapple diced
  • 10-15 Grapes cut into half
  • 1 Orange nicely chopped
  • 1/2 Apple nicely chopped
  • 4 Strawberries nicely chopped
  • 1/2 Banana thinly sliced
  • Whipped Cream
  • Nutella
  • Chat Masala


  1. Chop all the fruits, preferably right before eating.

  2. Mix them in the order of preference.

  3. After adding all the fruits, sprinkle a dash of Chat Masala, to balance all the excessive sweetness from the fruits. 

  4.  Top the salad with whipped cream and Nutella. This is optional. 

Yes, it’s as simple as that. Also, who doesn’t love a topping of whipped cream and Nutella. Those are only like my favorite toppings to put on any dessert. I suggest not to skip them, although it’s a choice. 

For more amazing recipes and easy eats, check out this link. And let me know all about your fruit favorites and send me pictures of your bowls, in the likes and comments sections. Subscribe to the newsletter, to get these posts straight to your inbox. Happy Relishing. 

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